Saturday, February 11, 2017

This week was a roller coaster. Maybe not a crazy, scream your head off, roller coaster, but the type of roller coaster that little kids should definitely not ride.

The beginning of the week was pretty rough. I felt like I was starting to get the hang of this whole teaching thing until I had my first visit from my university supervisor and my ego was crushed. I ended up spending about 14 hours at the school that day and as I was driving home I contemplated hard about whether or not this was the right path for me.

I have been through difficult times before and I have come to realize that the first few weeks of any new experience are tough. So I have that in mind, but at the same time it is really hard not to get discouraged or think to yourself, maybe this isn't for me, maybe this was all a big mistake. I know that I am not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot, but I am not going to give up.

The next day, we brought our students to another high school where they were to compete against other schools in the county in events through the FFA. You already know that I have been coaching my horticulture students for the floriculture competition. I really just wanted them to have a good time and have fun in the competition, but one of my students actually won the competition. It was pretty great to see how proud and somewhat surprised she was. I felt really good to because I was able to be a part of that experience as well.

So, I guess that is life. You win some and you lose some. The important thing is to just keep doing what you have to do to make your vision a reality.

2017 Bald Eagle Floriculture Team


  1. I'm so glad that despite the trials, you are opting to stay in the game. And I am sure that you are making more of an impact on those students than you could possibly know. So yeah, there are going to be a couple of long hours or hard days spent working non-stop, but I think it will be much more worthwhile when you know that effort has gone to giving your students the best education possible. You've got this, Michael!

  2. Keep seeking advice and you will continue to develop into a teacher that makes more and more positive impacts. Use those "high points" to encourage other students to engage, as well, while providing recognition to the student's achievement.
