Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Problem Solving Approach - Lab Reflection

I had a good time teaching this lab. Looking back and getting some feedback from my peers I can see how it can be improved a lot, and I am excited about that, but honestly I had fun teaching. I really do love teaching, I don't know exactly why, but I do. That is encouraging to me on days when I feel that there is so much expected of us as teacher candidates and will be expected of us as teachers.

I really do want to be a great teacher and help make young people's lives better in any way that I can, but I also want to have fun and enjoy my career. I am not insinuating that being a great teacher and having fun are incompatible, but sometimes I feel that if we are so caught up in teaching to the different intelligences, domains, and modalities of learning and the other thousands of articles and books published on effective teaching, that we may miss out on the most important and magical part of teaching, and that is, in my humble opinion, interacting with students.

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